Don’t go away…
This is my first post in several weeks and it will be a short one. I’ve been busy putting the finishing touches on my new historical novel, The Weight of Loyalty, to be released this Spring 2025. With a little luck, I’ll get back to posting on Substack after the holidays, so I hope [...]
What Would John Adams Think?
I love American history—the grand experiment of America—glorious and tarnished as it might be. People from across the globe are still willing to sacrifice life and limb to come here. True, we’ve got a ways to go to make a more perfect union. Google, What’s wrong in America? and you’ll see our laundry list [...]
Media Bias, Part 2
What are we to do? For the sake of argument, let me say—and I think it’s an unbiased statement—that bias exists in the business of reporting the news. On both sides of the political spectrum. It shows up in so many ways. (Here are examples from the University of Washington.) Bias by headline: Judge [...]
Hats…a fashion trend reborn?
Where would Indy be without his fedora? Picture the opening scene change in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” It’s when young Indy discovers his fear of snakes on the train and loses his fedora. Suddenly, leap forward to the next scene, when this symbolic prop shows up again on Indy’s head in the [...]
“Let’s go to the movies tonight, honey.”
"Naw. Let's watch something at home." If I had a buck for every time I’ve suggested a night at the movies to Karen, I’d be a wealthy man. I still love watching movies in the theaters, but these days we’re more likely to opt for staying home. A sign of age? (Ugh…I hope not.) [...]
Of U.S. Birth Rates and Cat
"Don't turn a blind eye to kids." - Goldie Hawn Before I get to my real point… It’s already hot in the kitchen, and we’ve got three months to go. Ah, how the past comes to haunt us. JD Vance is defiantly fending off political and media attacks concerning a Tucker Carlson interview in [...]