Mike H. Mizrahi Blog2017-08-31T08:56:10-07:00

Moral Character in America

In my recent Substack, I wrote about the subject of moral character, and whether it is declining in America. Perhaps we need look no further than our elite college campuses to help answer this question. There the world has been witnessing the worst displays of antisemitism and moral corruption in my lifetime, perhaps since [...]

June 1st, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments

The Folk Revival

Americana music of the 1950s-60s I came from a musical family. My father sang bass in a barbershop quartet. That started everything. Okay, get ready for some name-dropping. My brother Morrie, a noted classical guitarist in the 1970s, once gave Bob Dylan a guitar lesson. Flo and Eddie, the stage names of Mark Volman [...]

May 29th, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments

Is the sun rising or setting on America?

Consult the chair for your answer. May 24, 1787. Pretend you are there. The air is supercharged with the weight of history and the hopes of a new nation that is all but four years old. Fifty-five state delegates gather with you at Philadelphia’s Pennsylvania State House, later dubbed Independence Hall. The place where [...]

May 22nd, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments


Thank God for them. “My mother was the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual, and physical education I received from her.” – George Washington Like most every other man in America, I thought about my [...]

May 13th, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments

Are we getting nastier toward each other?

Or, perhaps better stated, is moral character on the decline in America? Some say yes and point the finger of blame, rather simplistically (in my view), at Donald Trump for poisoning our national discourse. He must be the culprit, right? Others counter that the blatant bias of mainstream news outlets, coupled with the hijacking of [...]

May 8th, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments

The Second Rise of the Klan

And the woman who toppled them. There’s a fascinating new book I must commend to you…A Fever in the Heartland, by New York Times bestselling author, Timothy Egan. As the book cover reads, it’s the true story of the Ku Klux Klan’s “plot to take over America” during the Roaring Twenties—the Jazz Age. When [...]

May 6th, 2024|Categories: Substack|0 Comments
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